The Hastings COMM/ENT Law Journal Cites I. Nelson Rose

written by I. Nelson Rose

The Hastings Communications and Entertainment Law Journal (COMM/ENT) published an article which noted Gambling & The Law’s® I. Nelson Rose stated that PASPA was was unconstitutional.

“Professor I. Nelson Rose of Whittier Law School, a leading gambling law expert, has indicated that the Third Circuit in Christie I got it wrong because PASPA is unconstitutional.  He also noted that another Court of Appeals would have ruled otherwise.  Furthermore, Professor Rose stated, “[PASPA] takes the power away from states to change their public policy towards gambling.  It is the first and only federal law in the U.S. that tells states what they can or cannot do when it comes to gambling.” [Footnotes deleted]

“LEGALIZING FEDERAL SPORTS GAMBLING LAWS: YOU GOT TO KNOW WHEN TO HOLD’EM”, 40 Hastings Comm. & Ent L.J. 41 (2018), written by Robert Shawhan before the decision this May.

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I. Nelson Rose

Prof. Rose is recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on gambling law, and is a consultant and expert witness for governments and industry. His latest books, INTERNET GAMING LAW (1st and 2nd editions), BLACKJACK AND THE LAW and GAMING LAW: CASES AND MATERIALS, are available through his website,

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